Wednesday, 14 February 2018

2018 - #thisisme

I have been trying to think of my "word" for 2018, and failing miserably.  Everything I think of just seems to smack of tokenistic  blah-ness and I feel myself shudder with revulsion.

So - I have decided to take a slightly different route for 2018.

This was (in part) sparked by running into a student that I taught in my very first year of being in the classroom. She recounted to me how much she enjoyed the "random science fact" that I would write up every week in the corner of my white board. In fact, she could still recall several of them - listing them off to me as we were standing on Lambton Quay surrounded by the lunchtime suits.

 Linking up with an idea about positive body image and all the awesomely amazing things our bodies do that we just don't even realise or pay attention to (until it goes wrong) and my idea was born (admittedly at about 2 am one morning, when I just couldn't turn my brain off!)

365 days of stuff that I appreciate about my body - "this is me" - or #thisisme

From the walking chemistry set, to the ever reproducing cells, to the bugs that happily live on and in me, there is so much I love about me that I want to share!!! And yes, I acknowledge that sounded really self-centred, but this is going to be about learning how brilliant your body is.

I have seen so many students who are depressed or don't like the skin they are in. I know. I used to be there. I would love to be able to point out how that skin is just FASCINATING on so many (dermal) layers. (yes, there probably will be many puns...)

Here is my newly updated Instagram profile, lets see how we go for 365 of #thisisme.

Any suggestions on cool things our bodies do that I can celebrate? Let me know!!!

Day one? Snot.